Do you have a very important selling point you wantpeople to read?
Here are 15 ways to start yoursentence
Pay close attention!Now listen closely!Listen closely:
Here's a secret:
I'm Angry!Don't miss a word of this...
Listen to me,Warning!
Top Secret Information:
Stop!Here's my confession...Listen!
Forget everything and listen,
Beware!I have a problem...I'm ready to EXPLODE!
Get over here and listen to this!
Pull up a chair and hear me out:Turn off the phone and listen!
2. Work your niche.
If you want to create a book-selling site, thenfocus on a specific market such as pets, pottery,origami, whatever. If you run a search engine, focuson a niche. Don't try to compete with Yahoo. Ifyou're selling ebooks - "niche it", don't produce a book that is all things to all people.
3. Base your plan on reality.
It may sound like a good idea to set up a Web sitethat is constantly updated and is always current.The big corporations can succeed at this because theyhave buildings full of site designers and programmers.If you want a site that updates constantly, createit to work with an automated updating program (likenews streaming) or with a support system such as adiscussion group where hundreds of people can postcurrent content for you.
4. Offer minimum links on your main page.
One of the primary goals of any business is tomake sure you don't confuse your customers. Byoffering minimum links on your main page, youwill limit the chances that your visitor willstray off elsewhere and not get back to your maintheme. Minimise the links and keep your visitorsas focused as possible.Specifically, never place a link on your home pagethat will take your visitor to another site. Theyonly just arrived at yours, so don't go showingthem the door just yet!
5. Put a "home" link on every page on your site.
Don't assume your prospects will just hit the "back"button to go back to your main page. Don't evenassume that they'll remember where your main page is.Place a "home" button on every page of your site andmake it look different so it will always be noticed.